Digital Marketing

The Power of Instagram Followers: 3 Ways to Keep Users Engaged

Instagram is easily one of the most powerful tools in social media today. It can help build brands and individuals to incredible heights of success. There are many different ways to direct IG followers to your account. Once a user has arrived on your profile, the goal is to make sure you are consistently delivering content that retains them as a follower. Retention of good followers is just as crucial as drawing IG followers to your account in the first place. Below are three simple strategies to keep your followers engaged and away from hitting the Unfollow button.

Consistency Cultivates Community

Your IG following most likely does not care that you are posting something new every hour on your feed. What they do care about is the consistency of your posts. IG followers tend to shy away from accounts and profiles without a steady flow of content.

If you are posting several times a day and then disappearing for several days or weeks at a time, you are likely to lose followers. It is most effective to post once a day or once every other day. It may seem like a lot of content to have to creatively output regularly. With correct planning, it will become easy. Plan your posts far in advance. It can be productive to plan and draft several posts so that all you have to do is put on the final touches and publish.

Always Be Authentic – Followers Hate Fake

One of the easiest ways to lose IG followers is the belief an individual they follow has sold out. Avoid pushing products or services on your account portraying the opposite message your page intends. It can be tempting to take the promotional deals that flood your inbox, but choosing the wrong ones can harm your credibility and can cause a decline in your following.

Do your research and choose wisely who and what you promote on your page. If you promote products and services that mirror your message, you will see an increase in IG followers who are like-minded. The right promotional partnership is a win-win for everyone involved.

The Right Followers for the Right Content

Attracting the right IG followers to your account is about many factors. Message curation, consistency, and authenticity of that message are necessary for cultivating your brand image. As is making sure you have the right kind of followers directed to your account. Make sure to follow the above guidelines when considering your content, posting habits, and messaging.

You can also increase solid engagement by using websites built around the concept of driving the right followers to your page. One such site is PathSocial. It’s a media agency whose goal is to affordably drive the organic growth of your Instagram following. You provide them with your targeted demographic information, including age, location, and gender.

They use all that information to grab your intended audience’s attention and direct real, high-quality followers to your account. Websites like these are great resources because they take one step out of the process for you.

Keeping Followers is Key

The above advice on how to keep your IG followers engaged and active on your page can make a big difference in the activity and quality of users you see on your page as it and your business grows. These are not difficult to implement and will become second nature as you practice them more often.

Look into the help of websites like PathSocial to drive quality followers to your account, but remember, it is up to you to create and manage the content that retains them. Consistency and authenticity will always win on Instagram.

Oscar Waterworth

Published by
Oscar Waterworth