Haven’t made a buck online? try sharing links to get paid

 This is a tip to make money online doing nothing much just sharing links to your friends , colleagues or the general public . mind you this isn’t a get rich quick scheme but you can make a thousand dollars quarterly if you take it seriously.

Who can do this ?
1. persons with working email address
2. Persons with facebook account, twitter account , g+ account etc
3. Bloggers , website owners , webmasters etc.
4. general internet users

From the list above it’s very obvious anyone can use this little tips to make cash online without doing anything technical or complicated.

This is how it done , You share photos, tools, interesting news, jokes, etc to friend’s using a link shortening websites that pay you when someone visit your shared stuffs via the shortened url.
You can make maximum use of this service by applying this tips.

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Obasi Miracle

I am a dedicated web developer with interest in blogging and app development. I have lots of buddies and always ready to connect with like-minded pals - See more about me.

Published by
Obasi Miracle