
How to Ensure Workplace Safety with a Digital Thermometer

Safety in the workplace has always been important. Yet in the Covid-19 era, it has taken on a new dimension. Businesses have not faced a health challenge like this since the HN1N virus caused a pandemic over 100 years ago in 1918. It’s no surprise in this era – given how rapidly Covid-19 broke out globally, and how speedily we had to change how we live and work – that many businesses are still refining their precise techniques for how to maximize safety each day. It’s here that a non-contact digital thermometer can be a fantastic addition to any safety strategy.

How Digital Thermometers Can Help Contain Covid-19

Businesses around the world today use a non-contact digital thermometer to check the temperature of their staff and customers. Given a symptom of Covid-19 is an elevated temperature, anyone who presents with a higher temperature than usual may be currently carrying the virus.

A digital thermometer offers a quick and easy way to detect a potential case of Covid-19. Anyone who records a higher temperature will then know they should immediately depart the premises, and go get tested.

Digital Versus Non-Digital Thermometers

Traditional thermometers require physical contact when the thermometer is used. This contact increases the risk of virus transmission, but digital non-contact thermometers do not require physical contact, so the risk of transmission is reduced. There can also be an additional risk to using non-digital thermometers, which makes them unsuitable even for individuals just using one by themselves.

Non-digital thermometers may have mercury within them. There is enduring concern surrounding the safety of this substance. If a thermometer sustains a small crack in its glass and the mercury is inhaled or swallowed, it can pose a great danger. There is no such danger surrounding the safety of digital thermometers, as there isn’t mercury present in them.

Remember an Official Test is Necessary to Detect Covid-19

It’s necessary to keep in mind digital thermometers are not a guarantee of detecting Covid-19. Just the same as someone could have a fever from the common flu (or another illness), so too can someone contract Covid-19 and not have a fever as a symptom.

Accordingly, if any staff member or customer starts to possess any Covid-19 symptoms, the best and only way to obtain a diagnosis is by presenting for a Covid-19 test and isolating afterward until obtaining a result.

Enhancing a Covid-19 Safety Plan with Digital Thermometers

Although multiple vaccines are now beginning their rollout, the reality is it’s expected that Covid-19 will be around in some form for a number of years yet. Even when one local community achieves an effective eradication of the virus, keeping precautions in place such as social distancing is prudent because it’s never possible to know when a new mystery case may arise.

In this environment, non-contact digital thermometers will continue to serve as an important tool on the frontline of guarding against Covid-19. That’s why any business looking to enhance their Covid-19 safety plan will find using non-contact digital thermometers going forward is an excellent decision.

Oscar Waterworth

Published by
Oscar Waterworth